Lb. Sisters, has faced significant weight loss challenges since the show premiered in January 2020. The series follows Tammy ...
Tammy Slaton is putting her foot down. This week, the 1000-Lb Sisters star issued a blunt PSA on social media to sternly insist that her followers stop sending her unsolicited nude photos online.
Tammy Slaton's family is proud of her progress. On January 9, Tammy's sister Amanda Halterman shared a supportive Instagram post encouraging her to keep pushing along her weight-loss journey.
Tammy Slaton hits a new low, but this time, it is for the very right reason! The "1000-Lb Sisters" star has achieved another ...
Tammy Slaton, a key figure in the TLC series 1000-lb Sisters, has recently hinted at the possibility of leaving Kentucky. Her statement has prompted fans to speculate about her future on the show ...