The United States are necessarily much interested in St. Domingo." The example of the Haitian Revolution resonated in the United States through events such as slave uprisings in the Richmond area in ...
The French Revolution of 1789 not only propelled all of Europe into a war, but also touched off slave uprisings in the Caribbean ... which was called Haiti, a "higher place." ...
At the peak of the island's prosperity, the slave population ... While the initial uprising was finally quelled, the events set in motion what would become the Haitian Revolution.
after Haiti was conquered by the French. These crypto-Jews were all murdered or expelled along with the rest of the white population during the slave revolt of Toussaint L’Ouverture in 1804.
Haiti gained independence from France in 1804, in the wake of a revolution resulting from a decades-long slave uprising. Haiti is the only country in the Western Hemisphere to have shed colonial ...
Louverture was a former slave who's rebellion on the French-controlled Caribbean island of Saint-Domingue ultimately led to the formation of the nation of Haiti in 1804. The most famous rebellion ...
In 1760 the Tacky Slave Rebellion on the island of Jamaica resulted in the passage of a law targeting all forms of African spirituality .
Chicago Founder and Haitian Revolutionary Jean Baptiste Point du Sable Chicago Founder Jean Baptiste Point du Sable ...
During a trip to Haiti a few years ago ... a cimarron king who led one of the biggest slave uprisings in the Americas in the 1550s. These teenagers’ outfits include papier-mâché masks and ...