If a comparison has to be drawn between the two cuisines, it would be more precise to compare kimbap to Japanese maki - seaweed and rice rolls, rather than sushi in general. Kimbap is seaweed and ...
By using fully cooked ingredients and hiding the seaweed inside, chef Tojo found a new way to serve a sushi roll that catered to his non-Japanese customers. Tojo: We called it that time Inside Out.
In particular, last year, a frozen seaweed roll craze centered around the U.S. supermarket Trader Joe's made seaweed hugely popular once again. A Japanese tourist is purchasing seaweed at a large ...
Strong overseas sales of Korean seaweed products earn a nickname echoing the nation's top export South Korea, where ...
The fabric from your dish towel may stick to your seaweed wrap otherwise. Likewise, the plastic wrap helps keep the moisture of your sushi roll. From there, you would roll the sushi as you would ...
Often, people picture a classic makizushi -- rice and ingredients from fish to vegetables wrapped in a perfect seaweed roll.
The Korean Embassy in Iran on Dec. 12 hosted a gimbap (seaweed rice roll) workshop for Korean-language students at Tehran University. Each table had a selection of ingredients to make the food: strips ...