A skater shows off pink and green laces at a "Wicked" skate at United Skates of America in Seaford. Credit: Morgan Campbell From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., the "Wicked" Extravaganza, a non-skating event, ...
Holi Miami is back bringing music, dancing, food and a colorful twist to Wynwood. This year, this powdery event will be ...
â–ª Bellingham Makers Market is hosting a Spring Makers Market at The Depot from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 22. The market will feature 90 local artists and food trucks and is free to attend. The ...
HENRICO COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — The River City Roller Derby is hosting Wheel Love, a speed dating open skate event. Grab your skates and roll into friendships, or love, on Thursday, Feb. 13 ...
Lost toenails are a common injury among these athletes due to the frequent quick turns and stops required during events. Many roller derby athletes wear tight skates to improve responsiveness ...