To measure the thermal energy created, I put my Raspberry Pi in an insulated container with 1,000 milliliters of water.
Raspberry Pi firmware encryption keys and other sensitive data have been hacked by security researchers with plenty of ...
The official winners of the $20,000 Raspberry Pi and Hextree RP2350 Hacking Challenge have been announced. With four ...
The IPEM PiHat is a Raspberry Pi HAT that turns the SBC into an up to tri-phased mains power energy monitor with four CT ...
The Bitcoin-mining Game Boy from [stacksmashing] is one of them. (Video, embedded below.) The hack is relatively straightforward. The Game Boy is hooked up to a PC via a Raspberry Pi Pico and a ...
[Jeff Geerling] saw the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 and ... what real-world use is for a full-size GPU on the Pi. Sure, maybe crypto-mining or emulation, or being able to run more monitors ...
Raspberry Pi's shares soared over 390p in early trading ... with the current record held by the 2011 valuation of trading and mining giant Glencore International (£36.34bn).