What’s 66-million-year-old vomit like? A lot more pleasant than the fresh stuff, says paleontologist Jesper Milan.
The young pterosaur likely had a wingspan of about 6.5 feet, and if it had survived to adulthood, its wingspan could have ...
A juvenile pterosaur fossil found in Canada shows a crocodile bite from 76 million years ago, offering rare evidence of ...
In the quiet cliffs of Stevns, Denmark, a 79-year-old amateur fossil hunter split open a piece of chalk last November and ...
Remarkable video has captured Australia’s rarest bird of prey hunting in Central Australia, an arid region where the species ...
A trail camera at Kui Buri National Park recorded the reserve’s first sighting of a “rare” predator in over 10 years, officials said. Google Street View July ...
The endangered animals are known to use their rocky landscape as an advantage while hunting, wildlife officials said.