According to International Precious Metals, only 2,000 were produced, and even fewer are known to exist today—hence their hefty worth. One of these coins once fetched $6.6 million at auction, while ...
Related: 10 Most Valuable Rare Pennies & Their Fascinating ... You can still buy sets of replica Confederate coins at ...
The 1933 George V penny is a rare and valuable coin with a mega estimated value ... Meanwhile, forgeries and replicas of the 1933 penny are common so it's important to get it checked before ...
With counterfeits and replicas of the 1933 penny being quite ... If you suspect you might have this rare coin, it's advisable to consult with an expert for an accurate valuation.
It's always good checking your rare coin collection to see what's really hiding there. So have you got this special penny coin lurking in your possession that's valued at £100,000?