The best-known instance is when Priam, the king of Troy, enters Achilles’ tent to ask for the return of the son and kisses the hands of the man who killed him. Utterly abject and fully compliant ...
They do, and Patroclus ignores Achilles, foolishly thinking that the armour renders him invincible. Big mistake: he is slain by Hector, the son of Priam, King of the Trojans. The tragic news is ...
An Old Soldier remembers the ten-year war at Troy and the events which led up to it: Paris, Helen, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Priam, Achilles, Patroclus, Hector, Cassandra, Odysseus…and the wooden horse.
What is the possibility of Redemption and Moral Repair - The Priam Moment that offers a flicker of hope? Moral repair is difficult but not impossible. Achilles ultimately finds peace when he ...
Hector Eldest son of King Priam of Troy; chief warrior on the Trojan side but will meet his match in Achilles Achilles Key warrior on the Greek side - but refuses to fight until his cousin ...