Omaha is a small, delicate film marked by few momentous narrative incidents. Yet Cole Webley’s directorial debut has ...
“Omaha” follows a recently widowed father (John Magaro), who takes his two children (Molly Belle Wright, Wyatt Solis) on a ...
Authorities said Schmidt may be in Las Vegas, Nevada, or Omaha, Nebraska. Anyone with information on the man's whereabouts is urged to dial 911. Note: The details provided in this story are based ...
Hill, a sixth-year senior forward who suffered a season-ending ACL tear in January, helped lead UNLV’s men’s basketball team to an 80-69 win over Omaha before an announced crowd of 4,817 at ...
Webley’s drama, “Omaha,” got enthusiastic applause as the closing credits rolled Thursday afternoon at The Ray theatre in Park City. The movie follows a Nevada dad (John Magaro) who wakes ...