The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission proposed three regulations for the upcoming waterfowl hunting season Thursday at its ...
From left, siblings Eliza, Emerson and Easton Holicky proudly display decoys and ribbons they won in the youth division of the carving competition sponsored by the Rappahannock Carvers Guild at the ...
The show print “Four Sons working the Rappahannock” by John Obolewicz will be given to all visitors at the Northern Neck Waterfowl & Wildlife Expo March 15-16 at the White Stone Firehouse, 579 ...
Lake Erie serves as a crucial stopover point for migrating waterfowl, including ducks, swans and geese, on their journeys to breeding grounds. Buffering Ohio’s northern border is one of America ...
Photo: Monica Sandreczki Hunting for ducks and other waterfowl is a popular sport in the North Country with tips and tricks with decoys and calls passed through generations. Patrick Chase ...
Hundreds of millions of birds are actively migrating northward to places like Illinois to take advantage of plentiful food and good nesting locations. Hummingbirds, species of waterfowl, bluebirds ...
The bird is at least the third confirmed case of bird flu in western North Carolina. In 2024 a dead duck found at Lake Louise tested positive for bird flu, and in January waterfowl at a Buncombe ...