The outgoing chair of NHS England has warned that a recent exodus of senior leaders poses “a real risk” to the service as the ...
NHS England has told health leaders to expect a “fundamental reset” to local health services’ financial regimes and ...
Sandra Webb, head of future workforce supply at the trust, said apprenticeships had played a crucial role in keeping nurse ...
The NHS England boss added: 'In the current financial context, we can't keep asking the Government for more state funding - we're not going to fill the gap that ... has gone on pay, spending ...
A social care worker earning £12 per hour would take home £7,120 a year more doing a comparable sized role in the NHS, data ...
The NHS England boss added: 'In the current financial context, we can't keep asking the Government for more state funding - we're not going to fill the gap that ... has gone on pay, spending ...
NHS funding given to care homes to provide nursing care will increase by 7.7%, the government has announced. While the move ...
The NHS paid out a record £2.8 billion in compensation last year - over 140% higher than 2014/15’s figure of £1.2bn 41% of all compensation pay outs are related to maternity care equating to a ...
The dual exit has raised concerns that a gap could be left in NHS England’s leadership. Sir Stephen said he has “huge confidence” in Sir James Mackey, the chief executive’s successor ...