Introduced in the early 1990s, it uses nickel and metal hydride plates with potassium hydroxide as the electrolyte. NiMH batteries do not suffer quite as much from the "memory effect" as do nickel ...
Scientists from the School of Nuclear Science and Engineering at Tomsk Polytechnic University have improved the hydrogen ...
By integrating a new type of metal hydride refrigeration system, this potential can be exploited and, depending on the application, up to 10% more range can be achieved. The cooling power of the metal ...
According to the researchers, this material is able to overcome the challenge represented by the thermodynamic limitation of hydrides in storing hydrogen. “Many high-capacity metal hydrides ...
Researchers explained that the hydrogen produced in the daytime is stored in metal hydride tanks with a total volume of 3 m3 to operate a 229.7 kW fuel cell through the night for continuous operation.
The storage system is based on an electrolyte relying on nickel metal hydride (NiMH) that provides means for ionic conductivity in the cells, while occupying limited volume. The electrolyte can be ...