CMS should monitor the effect on Medicare standalone prescription drug plans of changes in how the drug costs of high-cost ...
If you have Medicare, you know that the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) you receive every fall describing upcoming changes to ...
If you have Medicare Part B and/or Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage, you could owe a monthly surcharge based on an income related monthly adjustment amount (IRMAA). These surcharges ...
Part of a stress-free retirement is knowing that you can afford the cost of health care services. Medicare, the government's health insurance plan for individuals over age 65, is intended to help ...
For those in Medicare Advantage drug plans, however, the average expected out-of-pocket cost for Eliquis increased just slightly from $44.57 to $46.93 between 2020 and 2024. Only 5% of Medicare ...
WASHINGTON (Gray DC) - An AARP Public Policy Institute’s spotlight report found that list prices for 25 top Medicare Part D drugs, which currently aren’t included in Medicare drug price ...
People are having to choose between the prescription drugs that they need and… food or their rent.” Consumer Investigator Caresse Jackman talks to AARP about why costs have skyrocketed and possible ...