J. Leiderman, who does our theme music - associate the texture of food with taste, and that includes fruit fly maggots. Science reporter Ari Daniel explains. ARI DANIEL: The persimmon was Nikita ...
The study authors conducted experiments on maggots to explore the science of texture sensation in their tiny brains. The first experiment tested their food preference. The researchers placed ...
On Monday, a Bureau of Prisons spokesman said inmates weren’t served black beans or baked potatoes on Feb. 16, and called claims of maggot-infested food “inaccurate.” The Metropolitan ...
called the weevil explanation “highly suspect,” especially since he found maggots in his meals four times, including after they supposedly got rid of the tainted food. On April 4, the Federal ...
MARTÍNEZ: Bad deal. MARTIN: OK. Well, it turns out other creatures associate the texture of food with how tasty it is, too, like fruit fly larva - aka maggots. Here's science reporter Ari Daniel.