MADISON, Wis. -- An improperly discarded cigarette caused a deck fire at an eastside apartment in Madison Saturday night.
An automatic fire sprinkler system is credited with quickly extinguishing a fire on the outside deck of an east side ...
MADISON, Wis., Feb. 27. -- Wisconsin's picturesque State Capitol is in ruins. All that was spared by the devastating flames, which started early this morning, is the extreme north extension ...
Firefighters responded to a natural gas smell at 625 E. Mifflin on Sunday night. The incident occurred when a resident ...
Madison Police Department responded to an apartment fire Monday afternoon that displaced two UW-Madison students as well as ...
This summary is reviewed by TRD Staff. Madison Capital has acquired four REI distribution warehouses for $230 million, including one in Goodyear, Arizona, for $46.4 million. REI sold the ...