Tinotenda Pudu, a young boy, has been found alive after surviving five days in Zimbabwe's Matusadona Game Park, inhabited by ...
A child who had been missing for five days was found alive in a vast game park inhabited by big cats and other wild animals ...
The zookeeper, named F Iriskulov, 44, was seen unlocking a padlock at the private zoo during his night shift at 5am.
Tinotenda Pudu, 7, went missing from his village in the northwest of the country on December 27. He was eventually found in ...
Officials in Zimbabwe say 7-year-old Tinotenda Pudu survived five nights in the "unforgiving wild" of a game park thanks to ...
An eight-year-old boy has been found alive after surviving five days in a game park inhabited by lions and elephants in ...
A seven-year-old boy was found alive after being lost for five days in a reserve home to lions and other wild animals in northern Zimbabwe, the wildlife authority said Friday.
In a shocking incident at a private zoo in Uzbekistan, a zookeeper entered a lion’s den to impress his girlfriend, resulting ...
A man entered into the lion’s den of a private zoo in Parkent district, where he was eaten alive by three lions. He ...