the biblical king Jehu, who vanquished the morally corrupt house of Ahab to become the 10th ruler of the Kingdom of Israel. “President Trump, you were born into the world to be a trumpet of ...
This wall, he believes, was really built by Solomon. The later wall and the stables were probably built by Ahab, who became King of Israel 50 years after Solomon’s death (about 929 B.C.). Old ...
According to the Bible, ancient Israel was, in whole or part, ruled by kings for less than five hundred years. David is ...
As a minister, when asked to write a letter of recommendation for a young person in our church who is seeking a job, I often find myself using the word “potential.” They have it. They are smart, ...
Additionally, a Hasmonean coin hoard uncovered in the desert, physical evidence of the name “Ahab” – the famous king of northern Israel – and weapons of long-gone conquerors are on display.