Kapil Sharma took a jibe at director-producer Atlee Kumar's appearance on his show, which did not go down well with a section of people, especially his fans from Tamil Nadu. The host subtly ...
Comedian-actor Kapil Sharma has responded to the allegations ... The promo of the series showed Sunil telling Varun, “You look like an original Baby John”. Kapil chimed in as he told Sunil ...
The netizen's tweet accused host Kapil Sharma of implicitly criticising Atlee's appearance during their conversation on the show. In the video, the comedian-actor is heard questioning the Jawan ...
Amidst the criticism on social media, Kapil Sharma responded to an ex-user and broke his silence on the allegations against him of insulting Atlee's look. He wrote, 'Dear sir, can you pls explain ...
Filmmaker Atlee Kumar visited The Kapil Sharma Show to promote his film Baby John. A social media post accused Kapil Sharma of insulting Atlee's looks. The post included a video clip and went viral.
Former Indian cricket captain Kapil Dev advises against prematurely labelling Jasprit Bumrah as Rohit Sharma's successor. He emphasizes the need to observe a player's performance over an extended ...
Bollywood star Varun Dhawan, who is gearing up for his upcoming theatrical movie ‘Baby John’, recently graced the streaming sketch comedy show ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’, and his entertaining foot ...