JERUSALEM (JTA) — An Israeli soldier was injured by Palestinian rioters while he protected Jewish pilgrims to Joseph’s Tomb in the West Bank. On Monday, the rioters threw rocks and firebombs ...
“During the night Palestinians destroyed Joseph’s Tomb. Dozens of Palestinian rioters in a campaign of destruction simply violated a holy place for us, the Jews,” Bennett said, according to ...
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Palestinian rioters had "simply vandalised ... some generations earlier. The tomb is revered by Jews, who believe Joseph is buried there.
The hasidim, who had entered Joseph's Tomb in the city of Shechem (Nablus) without coordinating with the IDF, suffered light injuries in the shooting. The three escaped by vehicle and traveled to ...
Three Israeli men were shot and lightly wounded on their way to pray at the Joseph’s Tomb compound overnight Tuesday, according to Hebrew media reports. The three men, members of the Breslov sect of ...