The Youngest Toba eruption was a supervolcanic eruption that occurred around 75,000 years ago at the site of present-day Lake Toba in Sumatra, Indonesia ... theory holds that this event caused a ...
Mount Toba erupted in Indonesia about 74,000 years ago. The event was long thought to have caused a volcanic winter ... complement previous work in Lake Malawi, which searched lake bed cores ...
RECASTS with some people refusing to be evacuated, ADDS quotes, details Thousands of people declined on Thursday a government ...
People lived in many parts of the Old World by then but had not yet reached Australia or the Americas. The bulk of the human ...
Why it's incredible: The volcano's crater lake is as acidic as car battery acid, yet it still hosts life. Kawah Ijen is a giant, active volcano on the island of Java with a crater that contains ...
Hundreds of islanders have been evacuated, with thousands more awaiting their turn following increased volcanic eruptions in eastern Indonesia, officials said on Jan. 16. Mount Ibu, located on the ...
KARO, Indonesia — Rescue workers in ... The 1,145-square-kilometer Lake Toba, formed out of an ancient super volcano, is a popular sightseeing destination on the island of Sumatra and an area ...
A DEADLY volcano that spits bright blue lava contains the world's largest acid lake - capable of melting human skin. Kawah Ijen, is a gargantuan volcano on the island of Java, Indonesia, with its ...
a government-led evacuation in eastern Indonesia where a volcano has been spewing smoke and ash, arguing that they are accustomed to the eruptions. Mount Ibu, located on the remote island of ...