And, somehow, they made it through alive. The only other known person to ever beat Halo 3's Deathless LASO (Legendary All Skulls On) challenge was Thesus, who made history and conquered the challenge ...
There is debate within the community on which Halo game is hardest to beat on Legendary with all skulls on. Two exceptionally talented Halo streamers, JerValiN and REFLECTIONS, recently teamed up ...
And, somehow, they made it through alive. The only other known person to ever beat Halo 3's Deathless LASO (Legendary All Skulls On) challenge was Thesus, who made history and conquered the ...
There is debate within the community on which Halo game is hardest to beat on Legendary with all skulls on. A Halo remake or reboot has been rumored for quite some time, and if it does end up ...