Meet Bernd Das Brot, a Depressed German Loaf of Bread That's Spent 25 Years as a TV Cult Classic BERLIN (AP) — Forget SpongeBob SquarePants, Sesame Street and the sourdough starter craze ...
To pull off this simple recipe, take a loaf of white bread or a self-rising loaf that ... now known as the Great Dumpling War, when a German artist, fed up with low-flying Cold War planes, used ...
BERLIN — Forget SpongeBob SquarePants, Sesame Street and the sourdough starter craze: a depressed German loaf of bread named Bernd das Brot is celebrating his 25th anniversary as the reluctant ...
The duo had been asked to come up with mascots for KiKA, a German children’s public television channel. Comic artist Georg Graf von Westphalen designed Bernd as a pullman loaf — white bread ...
BERLIN (AP) — Forget SpongeBob SquarePants, Sesame Street and the sourdough starter craze: a depressed German loaf of bread named Bernd das Brot is celebrating his 25th anniversary as the reluct ...