The Godzilla franchise, spanning over six decades, follows the adventures of the titular kaiju, a colossal, prehistoric sea monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation. Originating in ...
Monster fans won't have to wait long to get their hands on the first few projects, either, since Godzilla: Heist, a ...
Players have been waiting for Godzilla to dive into Fortnite since its reveal in the Chapter 6 Battle Pass. There are dozens ...
Gas is then released from Freon tanks, rapidly decreasing the water density and causing the monster to sink 1500 meters below sea level. Pressurized balloons are also prepared in case Godzilla ...
X-Plus and Star Ace have teamed up once again for a new soft vinyl statue of Mechagodzilla from the 2021 film Godzilla vs ...
Fortnite’s Godzilla event is ticking all the boxes when it comes to creating a spectacle that is befitting of the King of the Monsters.