Former Zomato Co-Founder Gaurav Gupta took to microblogging platform X to announce his new venture 'Gabit' (Good Habit). A health-tech startup, Gabit, is a one-stop platform for all health and ...
Moneycontrol caught up with Zomato co-founder Gaurav Gupta for a quick chat. Take a look. Advisory Alert: It has come to our attention that certain individuals are representing themselves as ...
A year ago, Zomato elevated CEO of its food delivery business Mohit Gupta as a co-founder. Earlier, Gaurav Gupta, the COO, was appointed as a co-founder. In April, Zomato filed for an IPO with the ...
2020," Zomato Co-founder and COO Gaurav Gupta said in a blog post. The company has launched an initiative to rechristen Zomato Gold to Zomato Pro - and make it a bigger, better all-encompassing ...
Chopra's departure marks the fifth Zomato co-founder to leave the company since its founding. Other notable departures ...
Exit of Gaurav Gupta does not warrant any disclosure under listing regulations: Zomato Replying to a clarification sought by BSE, Zomato in a regulatory filing said, "...we would like to submit ...
Founded in 2008, Zomato at present has four co-founders—Deepinder Goyal, Gunjan Patidar, Gaurav Gupta and Mohit Gupta. Akriti Chopra, who has been at the company for a decade, now joins this bunch.