However, if there’s one thing that is timeless, it is the fantasies around falling in love with a famous person. So, if you want to keep daydreaming about a celebrity, we’ve got 10 more movies ...
When he met Hana again, Bagus began to feel feelings of falling in love with his friend. Ultimately, their meeting became the inspiration for a romantic film scenario written by Bagus. However ...
Anyway — Jocelyn Hudon and Dan Jeanotte star in this romcom about a newly single Type-A lady learning ... they’re in a ...
In the process with Mike opening up about his two year heartache in who he thought was the one leaving him, Madeline and Mike see a different side of the other as they start to fall for each other ...
“It's also honestly really surreal and strange to be promoting a movie in the wake of such ... of meditate on what relationships and falling in love is all about, what dating is about ...