Elon Musk’s Grok AI seems to have a few problems with its creator. Users have noted that when asked to answer “yes” or “no” ...
Munich's Deutsches Museum said a "prominent" position of an individual in an exhibition could be seen as "an uncritical ...
Lawmakers say Musk's apparent misunderstanding of the way government programs work could threaten his whole agenda.
"If someone is super-smart, and he is, they should think how they can help out," Gates said of Musk.
Gaming is a big part of the billionaire’s public persona. But other players are questioning whether he has the time or the ...
Boeing's Air Force One program is more than $2 billion over budget and the aircraft have been delayed. President Donald Trump ...
WIth one foot out the White House door, the Biden administration issued 2 documents Musk is now using in his battle to break ...
The billionaire appeared to laugh at the suggestion Trump's chief of staff is blocking Musk's access to the president.