SEM stands for scanning electron microscope. The SEM is a microscope that uses electrons instead of light to form an image. Since their development in the early 1950's, scanning electron microscopes ...
I used to have access to some pretty nice Scanning Electron Microscopes (a SEM) at my day job. While they are a bit more complex than a 3D printer, they are awfully handy when you need them.
Today we're looking at Electron Beam Lithography using a scanning electron microscope ...
That is, a model structure based on a first guess ... is never used in transmission electron microscopy. This is because optical resolution is not sufficient: contrast is also needed.
Transmission Electron Microscope: FEI Talos F200s Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM) equipped with SuperX-EDS detector FEI Single Tilt Holder FEI Double Tilt Holder FEI Double Tilt ...
Light and electron microscopy have distinct limitations. Light microscopy makes it difficult to resolve smaller and smaller ...
The Electron Microscopy shared resource offers techniques that allow researchers to resolve structures from cellular ultrastructure all the way down to molecular interactions. Our expertise in EM ...
Scientists have discovered a unique sequence of minerals that formed from evaporated water in samples from Bennu.
When all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And when you’ve got a scanning electron microscope, everything must look like a sample that would be really, really interesting ...