The Dark Ages is the prequel to Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal that tells an epic cinematic story of the DOOM Slayer’s rage. In ...
​​​​​​It was confirmed that Demon Slayer's conclusion would be covered in a movie trilogy. The first of these movies is ...
The next DOOM game, The Dark Ages, is due out in only a few months and will come to PS5, Xbox, and PC platforms in addition to Game Pass.
We’re less than four months away from Doom: The Dark Ages’ release on May 15. It was just one of four games spotlighted ...
Here is every Doom game ranked from worst to best.
We sit down with game director Hugo Martin and executive producer Marty Stratton to learn more about Doom: The Dark Ages.
Doom: The Dark Ages pivots from Eternal’s platforming and instead literally grounds its combat in strafe-heavy gameplay with ...
For fans of the latest DOOM series titles, DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal showcased Doom Slayer’s true grit in Glory Kills. These special actions are performed when players deal enough damage to ...
Doom Slayer's new bulwark-tank design has taken inspiration from 300 and the Battle of Thermopylae where Sparta was overwhelmed by hordes of Persians.
Of course, we see a shotgun (the Doom Slayer's best friend), but we also see a chainsaw shield that looks straight out of a slasher movie, a gun that spits skull fragments at enemies, and several ...