Mrs. Flood is one of Doctor Who’s biggest ongoing mysteries, but the show’s recent trailer seems to hint at her true identity ...
As reported by Radio Times and CBR, Davies was a recent guest on David Tennant Does a Podcast With…, hosted by the Tenth and ...
Showrunner Russell T Davies discussed possible successors for Doctor Who. Steven Moffat ruled out returning as showrunner ...
David Tennant's Doctor Who look was inspired by Essex TV chef Jamie Oliver's suit worn with trainers on TV. Tennant's costume ...
Russell T Davies says he never thought the show would still be going 20 years on from its reboot.
With the exceptions of Christopher Eccleston (who only headlined the revival’s first season) and David Tennant’s turn as the Fourteenth Doctor (which spanned three episodes), all of the stars ...
Both Jon Pertwee and David Tennant were only a few years younger than Capaldi and Hartnell when they played the Third and Fourteenth Doctors respectively.
Tenth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, and Metacrisis Doctor Duplicate actor David Tennant does a podcast called, imaginatively, David Tennant Does a Podcast With…, and this week he picked up an extremely ...
This reappearance made him both the tenth Doctor, and the fourteenth – no, we don’t fully understand Doctor Who maths, either. Gatwa, best-known for playing Eric Effiong in Sex Education ...