SAN ANGELO, Texas (Concho Valley Homepage) — San Angelo Police Chief Travis Griffith joined Carolyn McEnrue to talk about an upcoming course that the police department is offering to church and ...
De-Escalating In-Person Jill E. Spielfogel and J. Curtis McMillen (2017) examined de-escalation strategies across different professions.[i] Frequently discussed in mental health settings, they note ...
he said. "Make your mind up." This is the beginning of Baltimore Police Department sixteen hour de-escalation course — one of several police departments across the nation implementing de ...
The Purdue University Police Department is offering free verbal de-escalation training in March. The training sessions, both virtual and in person, will consist of a two-hour PowerPoint presentation.
A woman was shot in the face while being stopped in traffic after getting into an argument with another driver, and News4JAX Crime and Safety Analyst Tom Hackney says de-escalation is the best ...
Verbal De-escalation is a two-hour presentation. The course objective is to teach skills that may help attendees learn to remain calm and react more effectively when confronted with anger, while ...
In a set of documents from the barista training, seen by BI and verified by Starbucks, employees are told to "leverage de-escalation tactics" if regular customers refuse to comply with the company ...