Chemical waste must always be under "control" of the laboratory and must not be stored in general traffic locations such as halls or other areas with public access. Waste collection containers must be ...
It is not exhaustive but is helpful for day-to-day chemical disposal. Teachers should keep a log of the contents of all hazardous waste disposal containers to avoid extra costs associated with hazmat ...
Instead, lab personnel will be required to submit full or partially full chemical containers for waste pick up using the online waste submission form. Pure chemicals that are removed by the EH&S ...
A tray or secondary container should be placed underneath the waste containers to avoid any spill/leaks. Mercury chemical waste (e.g. old thermometers) should be clearly identified. If chemical waste ...
Western Michigan University's Environmental Health and Safety will provide pick up and containers for hazardous waste disposal that is generated from university-related activities. Please call (269) ...
Certain expired and unusable chemicals are hazardous waste and subject to regulations. Watch for expiration dates on containers of peroxide-forming chemicals including ethers. Biohazardous waste is ...
The Chemical Management Committee (CMC) requires each principal investigator/generator to certify their waste minimization efforts annually. Waste minimization is any action that reduces the amount ...
Please be sure to list all constituents on the hazardous waste tag. The Hazmat unit consolidates most of the liquid wastes that are generated on campus. The containers that held the liquid wastes are ...
This technique is very common in biological and chemical research. Purdue University has numerous ... HPLC waste is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency as hazardous waste. Containers ...
Containment of regulated medical waste for handling, storage, and treatment shall be accomplished with a primary container for protection from the elements and limiting exposure to employees and the ...