"Cheaper by the Dozen," a remake of the 1950 family comedy, was released in 2003. The film starred Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt as Tom and Kate Baker, who have 12 children together. Here's what ...
"Cheaper By the Dozen", based on the real-life story of the Gilbreth family, follows them from Providence, Rhode Island to Montclair, New Jersey and details the amusing anecdotes found in large ...
Here are the family films you can check out with a Hulu subscription. Cheaper by the Dozen stars Steve Martin and is a remake of the 1950 film of the same name, which tells the story of a family ...
Former child actors Brent and Shane Kinsman had their first role alongside Steve Martin and Hillary Duff in the family favourite, Cheaper by the Dozen. And they’re still remembered by fans as the ...
In the 1950 version of Cheaper by the Dozen, based on the real-life exploits of America's Gilbreth family, the dad, played by Clifton Webb, ended up going to that great rec room in the sky.
The real-life story of the Gilbreth family, led by efficiency experts Frank and Lillian, as they navigate the challenges and humor inherent in raising a brood of 12 children.