An oil leak from the main seal, also known as the rear crankshaft seal, will usually drip from where the transmission connects to the engine, though it may show up elsewhere, such as on the oil pan.
Oil leaks are common on engines as they accumulate miles, and oil pans can be one source of leaks or seepage. Gaskets or seals installed where the pan attaches to the engine block may wear out and ...
Popular Mechanics’s automotive experts outline the tools and techniques proven to smoke out even the toughest to find vacuum ...
figuring out how to repair it … It's hard to determine exactly how long it will take.” But it’s Willis’ specialty. “Not mechanical leaks, not paint or auto body repair. Strictly ...
As you've heard many times, your car's engine is nothing but a big ... you can spray water or motor oil onto a suspected leak and achieve the same end. When the water gets sucked into the leak ...