Berlin, the capital city of Germany, is a vibrant metropolis that has witnessed a tumultuous history filled with significant events that have shaped not only the city but also the world. From its ...
Note that prices are based on a zone system (A, B and C), but most of Berlin's attractions are situated in zones A and B, the cheapest price bracket. Berlin Brandenburg Airport is in zone C.
The history of the Deutsche Oper in Charlottenburg dates back to the early 20th century. It is Berlin's youngest and largest ...
Navigating Berlin can be a bit of a challenge ... kiez (neighborhoods), each with its own distinctive vibe and attractions. Fortunately, there's an excellent public transportation system to ...
Berlin is one of the largest cities in Europe (about nine times the size of Paris), so traversing this gigantic metropolis in a limited period of time can seem daunting. Attractions are spread out ...
For a more in-depth look at Berlin, see our individual guides for hotels, restaurants, bars, nightlife, attractions and ...
Get to know the best areas in the German capital, home to plenty of affordable independent hotels as well as big-hitting luxury stays Although Berlin is a famously sprawling city, most of its best ...