Situated on the left-side upland plateau of Debed Canyon in the Lori province, Odzun is one of the largest villages in ...
Despite its historical prominence, the site has been abandoned since the 17th century, remaining largely unexplored.
The Armenian Monastic Ensembles of Iran, in the north-west of the country, consists of three monastic ensembles of the Armenian Christian faith: St Thaddeus and St Stepanos and the Chapel of Dzordzor.
From Yerevan, Armenia's capital, we drove to Gyumri ... We ate one of these lunches beside the 7th-century monastery of Hnevank – a sublime ruin with a soaring steeple in a vast canyon ringed ...
Currently, three properties in Armenia are inscribed on the World Heritage List: Monastery of Geghard and the Upper Azat Valley (2000), Monasteries of Haghpat and Sanahin (1996), Cathedral and ...
The Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan organized an international scientific conference titled “Protection of Ancient Human ...