1970: The AVA anthrax vaccine was licensed by BioThrax for use in humans. 1990 t0 1991: An estimated 150,000 troops were ...
The antibiotic teixobactin—developed a decade ago by Northeastern University professors Kim Lewis and Slava Epstein in ...
A meta-analysis found no significant link between vaccination exposure and rheumatoid arthritis risk, but short-term data ...
It could also ease production and compliance with federal regulations, the complexities of which had stymied anthrax vaccines for so long. Gene vaccines were chemical, not biological. That cut the ...
That scientist, Bruce Edwards Ivins, was briefly considered a suspect early in the investigation but was dismissed, because for years he had been working on an anthrax vaccine for the Army — he was a ...
“In response to that, the Federal Government provided the state with 800,000 doses of anthrax vaccine.” He noted that the vaccination campaign, which began months ago, is still ...
The Trump administration is at risk of its first major failure as the measles outbreak spreads. Donald G. McNeil Jr., a ...
Vivotif vaccine for oral administration for the prevention of typhoid fever; Anthrasil for the treatment of inhalational anthrax; BioThrax, an anthrax vaccine; CYFENDUS for post-exposure ...