Japan's service robot industry is set to triple in size by 2030. The country has become a hotbed for service robotics—from ...
Faced with an aging population and labor shortages, Japanese businesses are increasingly relying on service robots to ...
The experts warn Japan of a labor shortage clocking in at around 11 million within the next 15 years. Another institute ...
At several restaurants in the heart of Tokyo, robotic felines glide effortlessly between tables, balancing trays of steaming ...
Recently in Tokyo an AI-driven robot leaned over a man lying on his back and gently put a hand on his knee and another on a ...
Now it’s time for more efficient AIs to take over. After years of controversy, stem cells are on the cusp of cures for conditions like epilepsy and type 1 diabetes. The company is making a foray into ...
AN AI-powered android nurse shows its bot ... It could be helping care for Japan’s aging population by 2030. Last month experts said robot housekeepers could be a reality within a decade.
During a press event on January 23rd, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) demonstrated two new robots at the mock-up facility at Japan Atomic Energy Agency’s Naraha Center for Remote Control ...
Behold the robot known as "Protoclone," built by Clone Robotics. It's supposedly the world's first bipedal, musculoskeletal android. But it's mostly just got people extremely creeped out.
However, revenue distribution is nearly equal, with Android generating $455m and iOS only slightly behind at $442m. War Robots has a strong global presence, with the highest revenue contributions ...
The 150-kg artificial intelligence-driven humanoid robot called AIREC is a prototype future "caregiver" for Japan's rapidly aging population and chronic shortage of elder-care workers.