It features an adjustable 3-piece pressure regulator system calibrated at 5, 10, and 15 psi, providing users with precise ...
Accurate pressure is critical to safely preserve foods. Over time, a pressure canner's dial gauge can change and give a false pressure reading. If a pressure dial reads too low, a high enough ...
In the debate between pressure canner vs. water bath, there’s no real winner. We’ll tell you why in this post. What exactly ...
Pressure canners with a dial gauge should be tested annually to ensure accuracy and safety. Dial gauges that read more than two pounds difference (high or low) during testing must be replaced.
The Muscatine County Extension Office will offer free pressure canner gauge testing from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 4. Dial gauge pressure canners should be checked annually for accuracy prior to ...