Tokyo Dome City, referred to as Big Egg City before January 1, 2000, is an entertainment complex in Bunkyō, Tokyo, Japan. It also includes the world's largest roofed baseball stadium, known as Tokyo Dome ; an amusement park known as Tokyo Dome City Attractions ; and Korakuen Hall. In May 2003, a spa resort known as LaQua opened for busines…
Tokyo Dome City, referred to as Big Egg City before January 1, 2000, is an entertainment complex in Bunkyō, Tokyo, Japan. It also includes the world's largest roofed baseball stadium, known as Tokyo Dome ; an amusement park known as Tokyo Dome City Attractions ; and Korakuen Hall. In May 2003, a spa resort known as LaQua opened for business near Tokyo Dome City Attractions. It also hosts character shows for Toei Company's Toei Superheroes, including the Kamen Rider and Super Sentai series.
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